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Shimmery Screen Fabric
Each piece makes a different size screen. Tack it to a wood frame or tape it to a PVC tube for a quick projector movie screen for that Movie Theater expirience.
Color: Light Silvery/Grey
5 pieces Available
New. Never washed. Completely unused.
Screen sizes:
* 3.5' T x 4.5' W Screen -(45"T x 58"W ...[2.00 Sq. yrds])
* 4.5' T x 6' W Screen --- (58"T x 72"W ...[3.22 Sq. yrds])
* 4.5' T x 6' W Screen --- (58"T x 72"W ...[3.22 Sq. yrds])
* 4.5' T x 7' W Screen --- (58"T x 84"W ...[3.76 Sq. yrds])
* 4.5' T x 8' W Screen --- (58"T x 99"W....[4.43 Sq. yrds])
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TimeStatus: This ad will be removed as soon as it's sold.
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